
Jul, 2024 New paper on Contextual Noncompliance 🥥!
Jul, 2024 New papers on WildTeaming at Scale and WildBench 🦁!
May, 2024 I will be attending ICLR’24 in 🇦🇹 Vienna to present 3 papers! Check them out here
May, 2024 Invited talk at Bocconi University on Creativity and Constrained Problem Solving! slides
Apr, 2024 Macgyver led by my intern Yufei Tian was accepted at NAACL 2024.
Apr, 2024 Invited talk at UBC NLP Group on Creativity and Constrained Problem Solving! slides
Oct, 2023 I’m honored to serve as a Senior Area Chair for NAACL 2024!
Oct, 2023 Our workshop on Narrative Understanding is accepted to EMNLP 2024!
May, 2023 REV, led by our intern Hanjie Chen is accepted at ACL 2023!
Mar, 2023 Talk at UMass NLP seminars!
Feb, 2023 Guest lectures at the University of Washington (CSE 599)!